Monday 19 January 2015

Big Dave explains the SLAM H concept.

This new concept for Birmingham and its young people will target all aspects of the community, male and female, and has the potential to improve the lives of many marginalised people.  As I have already demonstrated and proven with the award winning SLAMH Programme, out of 800 projects SLAMH made it through to the final stage of the National Lottery Awards and was in the last six.  A great achievement as SLAMH has only been going a very short time. 

What is SLAMH?  Ever wished you had a great role model?  Ever wished you had someone to aspire to be?  I know it is massively important for young people to see and be around those who present themselves as positive role models, that is why I devised SLAMH which has already changed several peoples lives for the good.  Now my work has the opportunity to proceed to another level and deliver many more programmes for young people, not just on the physical side, but on the  general wellbeing to deliver programmes such as life skills, money management, time banking, volunteering, plus access to educational programmes.  I will be partnering with colleges etc on these programmes.

The time banking would work on a ‘learn to earn’ basis ie the opportunity to develop a time bank against the hours worked and those hours set aside for access to educational and physical training opportunities and so increase the social capital of those who find themselves in a position to give something back to the community.  As part of their pathway there may be a reward of recognition to the individuals progress, ie a Princess Diane Award, which would have a positive impact on their CV’s and also a positive impact on reducing re-offending rates as individuals learn new skills and coping strategies that enable them to sustain re-integration back into the community. 

The SLAMH programme represents an opportunity to create a positive community based facility which seeks to provide a life altering experience for young people as I have already achieved with SLAMH.  It will be a positive addition to the community, creating jobs or signposting onto further education.  This is a unique and ambitious project and is based on the vision and experience of Big Dave Gauder who has a proven track record in producing positive outcomes for young people.  At its heart is a desire to change young peoples lives in a positive and sustainable way.  This project does not fit traditional or contemporary models working with hard to reach young people, as it is saying that we need to bring the best of what we are and get the best from who young people really are.

And remember, SLAMH reaches the parts the Xbox doesn’t or the can of lager or the line of coke etc, etc.

Big Dave Gauder