The anti bullying campaign has been going a good many years now. It's easy to reel off the numbers - over a million children engaged, over 1050 vehicles pulled. There have been some real successes too, with many positive stories coming back via evaluations, anecdotes & testimonials. Relaunching the campaign today to a new audience at Holly Hall Academy in Dudley was no less special than the first presentation.
Children have questions:
"Could you lift that table?"
"What was the hardest lift you ever did?"
"What's the most you've ever bench pressed?"
"Would you have been a strongman if you weren't bullied?"
"How much do you eat?"
"Which world record is your favourite?"
Questions flow back & forth, scenarios are discussed & the conversation develops. The magic of youth, their enthusiasm & ambitions unfold. "Never Say Can't," is a message that can be carried forwards. "Talk, Talk, Talk," similarly reminds the importance of communication.
A report by Childline last week suggested that children are increasingly becoming lonely & unhappy. Sharing ambitions & talking about concerns is the start of teamwork, friendship & ultimately success. One child, one class, one school at a time.
The work goes on.