Friday, 29 January 2016

Pitching to the World.

Guinness World Records colouring book featuring Big Dave.
The picture above is a good metaphor of how it feels to pitch to the world. Whatever the benefits & opportunities offered, even the best ideas are often glanced over with a cursory frown. If presented over the phone or in an unimaginative setting on a grey January Monday morning when it's raining, we're really up against it. Luckily the enthusiasm Dave has to exert his muscles & help influence the young people of the world has not diminished since his anti bullying campaign began & the colourful effect he has on the young people can be seen in dozens of photos like this:

"It's my crusade," he told me a long time ago. "I'm in constant unrelenting competition with myself." His passion to make a difference is something that has always impressed me, from the day when I first saw the picture of him pulling Concorde to this morning when he called me with the latest update. It's easy to see why he's achieved so much.

There are over 180 testimonials if anyone cares to download the file & many more could be added, enough to make a replica telephone directory for Dave to tear in half on the days like today when we're waiting for the due process of multiple bureaucracies to catch up with his enthusiasm.

Dave keeps himself in shape, ready to pull a bus this afternoon if needed. With the weekend looming the offices are winding down & on Monday morning at 9am people might look at our paperwork again. If the sun is shining, maybe they'll see our vision in colour, rather than as a black & white line drawing:

If you would like Dave to make an anti bullying presentation to your school or group please email:


Councillors, Members of Parliament & local authority officials who would like to lend their support are also encouraged to get in touch.